Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Thoughts

Hello there lovely readers of my blog (:

I thought about this blog post for quite sometime. I was going to post it on like... Monday. That’s how long I’ve been thinking about it. So I’m finally posting it and I hope you all like it just a little bit (: Warning: This post might go in a thousand different directions but just try to bare with me. I’ve got lots and lots to share (:

So, it seems like a lot has been going on lately. Not just in my life but in everybody’s. It seems like everyone is just down lately and upset. I’ll be honest with you guys. I had a meltdown a few nights ago. So much stuff was getting to me and eating away at me. And I was just thinking of so many things all at once. And I was feeling upset for my friends who were upset too. And it was just so overwhelming until I sat myself down and I sorted through my thoughts. Only to realize that every little that I was upset about, I was upset about it because it didn’t go the way I wanted. I felt I had lost things I didn’t want to lose. Like I was being ripped away from things and people that were really important to me in my life. At my small group at church, we’ve been talking about media. And how it affects us in good and bad ways. I found it funny that that was the topic for the month. Because that’s actually been something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. I’m sure when we were all little we heard people say “God’s with you all the time. How would you feel if God was sitting right next to you while you were watching your favorite, or the most popular television show?”  And we were like... yeah yeah I don’t watch anything bad. This is something I have been thinking about so much lately. If you know me really well you know that I think probably way too much. But really, this has been on my mind a lot. Every time I sit down to watch TV, as I’m flicking through the guide… I think about what’s really in these shows. What’s the message they are trying to portray to me through this show and the characters within it. Honestly there are a lot of crappy things on TV these days. I really don’t even watch it all that much anymore unless it’s like Disney Channel or something like that. But hey, if you’re reading this and you are someone who struggles with this. Like maybe you are hooked on a TV show that you know isn’t exactly a good show for you to be watching but you can’t stop watching it. First off, pray. Really, it sounds kind of like a weird thing to do especially about a TV show but really guys, there IS power in prayer. Secondly, start doing something else when that show is on. I’m sure there are a million things you can think of. Read, write, draw, craft, do a jig. Anything that will get your mind off of watching that show. This ones my favorite (: Go read your bible. Crank up the worships tunes. That’s what I’ve been doing instead of watching TV. And it really does get you un-hooked from that certain TV program. And it’s much more fun then sitting in front of the TV. Now, please don’t think I’m saying you’re a bad person if you watch a show that’s consider “bad.” I’m not (: Because we’ve all been there probably at least once. But try these things. Just invest that time into God and doing things that glorify him. It’s worth it.
Okay, what was I saying before that? “Like I was being ripped away from things and people that were really important to me in my life.” Oh okay! Lately I have been realizing more and seeing more of how the devil gives us distractions. That’s a big word. Distractions. Distractions are things that divide our attention. We’re kind of paying attention to this thing…. But we are way more interested in thinking about that thing. That’s what distractions are. Like if you were waiting to cross the street, and you were looking for on coming cars, and a person in a hotdog suit ran by screaming, that’d be a distraction. It gets your attention, but it distracts you from where your attention needs to be. A LOT of the time things and people will distract us from God. I’ve been noticing that a lot in my life. I know it’s so hard sometimes to keep our full attention on him without getting distracted. It’s almost impossible. But it’s one of those things that won’t just happen over night. You’ve got to start blocking out some common distractions. Your cell phone. Your facebook. Those are probably the most distracting things ever in this generation. You’ll go to read your bible then your like… oh wait, I got a text. I better read it. It can probably wait. Go get God. Your friends can wait. Facebook can definitely wait. Those are the things that I know I get distracted by. But really guys, if this is something you are seriously serious about, go for it. Give it try. The simplest things are the hardest sometimes. But again, It’ll be worth it all in the end (:

Well everyone, this was a long post! I hope you all enjoyed it, and that you all have a lovely Friday (: Love you guys.

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