Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hey everyone :) So I usually don't blog on Sundays, but today I really really wanted to. It's gonna be a little different than usual but I wanted to talk to you guys about something that's been on my heart alot alot lately.

What I want to talk to you guys about today is..
Letting God be enough.
Letting God be your everything.
Letting God be the reason you wake up every morning.
Letting God guide you.
Letting God know how much you love him.
Letting God know that you are here and willing to whatever he's designed you to do.

For me, alot of the time I run to people for things which, obviously, doesn't do much good. I mean yeah they are there to help me and talk and listen to me but no one can help me more than God can. And like, I think sometimes we think that we can get help more quickly from a friend. Ya know what I mean? Often we try to fill our hearts when they are empty. What's wrong with that sentence. Often we try to fill our hearts when they are empty. I think it needs to be, We need to let God fill our hearts when they are empty. We need to run to him when we're hurting and sad, and mad, and irritated, and feeling hopeless, and confused. We need to run to him always. I know it's not always easy especially if you feel like you've gotten so far from him. I want you guys to know, cliche, I know. But he is right there. All the time. If you lose grip on him his hands still there, he'll wait for you to realize that that is where your hand needs to be. Not in the hands of the world, or a guy or a girl. Let God be enough. Let him guide your heart and fill it with his desires. Let his light shine through you onto your friends or family. Let him hold your heart and protect it. I know, for me personally, God is all I need. And all that I want. I want to get deeper. I want to know more. I crave having more of him in my life because I don't want to just settle. We live in the world. Think about that. I know it sounds like a dumb thing haha but think about it. Think about the world we live in. Yes, God created it but the truth is, It has nothing to offer us. It's not easy letting God be enough. But once you do you will not regret it at all. It will be one of the greatest decesions of your life. Once you just completely surrender your life over to him, and live your life fullheartedly for him, nothing can stop you. What can? You've got God standing by your side. Your safe. I know that I want my heart in the hands of God, not the world. Where do you want yours?

I hope you guys enjoyed this :) Love you guys.

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