Friday, March 25, 2011


Hello out there :) Like I mentioned before, I know I haven't been posting verses too much lately. But I have just wanted to talk about so much stuff. Haha. I hope you all enjoy my ranting though ;)

Okay! So. This week has been a crazy one which is why I haven't posted in a while. So let's get this blog goin'.

I have mentioned this before but here I am again, about to talk about it. I told you all about that book my friend got me for Christmas, Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Welp, I finished it! Just today actually. This book from the begining has been amazing. (If anyone wants to borrow it, let me know!) Through out the few last chapters he's talking about completely living your life out for God. He tells stories about people who, some of them had crazy lives before they found God and then did crazy things FOR God. During the last chapter he quotes this lady, whose name I forget.. but she said "How we live our day, is how we live our lives." Okay, that statement can be confusing unless you read it a good amount of time. Having a relationship with God is more then just saying, "I have a relationship with God." The way I think of it (meaning, I'm not saying this is the right way to do things, it's just how I look at it) having a relationship with God means seeking him everyday, spending time in the word often, if not everyday, praying alot. Alright, get ready for my usual.. jumping subjects and confusion. Haha. So like I mentioned in my other post, at my small group we've been talking about media. That has been on my mind alot. In fact, I don't watch Tv much anymore. The only thing I watch is Arthur (Yes, the little kid show. It's always been my all time favorite. Don't judge me haha.) But honestly, the tv is just a distraction. That's how I feel anyway. You see, I'm cyber schooled so I have a ton of time on my hands during the day. Before I came to a huge realization in my life. I was spending all my down time doing useless things. Like, really useless things. And, honestly I would rather spend my time glorifying God. Even if it's just in simple little ways. Like writing these blogs. Spending all our time online or on our phones, is like us sitting there soaking up the world. I don't want to soak up the world. I want to soak up God. I'd rather be sitting, reading my bible or doing something for God, and soaking him in. I want to be consumed by him, not the world. I don't if what I say has an affect on anyone. But, what if I asked you to give up TV for a day. Maybe even facebook. What if I asked you to leave your phone in your room for a day. ( that's what I've been doing. Sorry if I haven't texted you back :P) Would you say, "Heck yes! That's easy. I can do it." Is it easy? Is it easy to give up these things that, probably a good bit of us spend a ton of our time on? Is it easy to give anything up? No. But I didn't finish the question. Would you give up TV for a day, and spend that time reading your bible or praying, or just being with God? Would you leave your phone in your room for a whole day, to talk to God instead of your friends?  A huge thing for me, I often run to people before I run to God. Yeah, we all have friends that are always there when we need something. But something I have learned is that I need to go to God before I go to my friends. Now I'm not say never talk to your friends, haha. I'm just saying for me, personally, I struggle with that. Like I said, I don't want to sit and soak up the world. So seriously. I'm not going to tell you what to do. But think about those questions I asked. And if you think it's something you need. Go for it. Do it for a week, not just a day if that's what you feel like you need. If you do do this, let me know how it goes! Let me know if it was hard or easy for you, and how it may have changed you.

I hope everyone has an amazing Friday, and an amazing weekend :) Love you guys.

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