I like this verse. Those words, “brokenhearted” and “crushed” are such strong feelings that I know a lot of us have felt before. They’re not easy feelings to cope with either. You can’t really just push them aside and move on with life. I mean, they’re self explanatory. Brokenhearted, crushed. When you’re crushed you feel let down, empty, broken inside. It’s not fun to feel crushed. Or brokenhearted. Think about the times you have felt either of these. Most of the time it’s because of someone or something that is very important to us, and they/it lets us down. A friendship doesn’t go the way we want it to. A relationship doesn’t go the way we want it to. An opportunity doesn’t go the way we want it to. We don’t get something that we really really want. Sometimes, we don’t realize or see stuff that’s right in front of our faces. We’re blind to it. If a friend is treating you badly and not being a good friend what so ever, but you care about this person and want them in your life, you’ll look past the hurt they are causing you because you don’t want them to walk out of you life. You don’t want them to leave. So we go all out to try to keep this friendship going. Honestly, if they are treating you badly and not being nice at all, they are not truly your friend. I feel like, God puts us through heartbreak and being crushed because he wants us to open out eyes. And see what’s happening right in front of us. Before we get more hurt. We need to guard our hearts and be careful. We need to trust God with everything. Whoever he brings in our lives and whoever he takes out. It’s all for a good reason. And we may not realize that right away, but in the future we will appreciate it and be thankful for it and about it. Because it will benefit us. It will. God can heal broken hearts. No doubt about. It seems like when we are crushed or brokenhearted that’s when it seems like we have no one. That’s when we get afraid to let people in because we feel like we’re just going to get hurt all over again. Trust God. I’ve said that before, I know. But he brings people into our lives for a reason. And he takes people out of our lives for a reason. Not only do we need Gods strength, which is most important, but we need support from our friends. And we need our friends there so that when we maybe can’t see something going on or see what something is leading us to, those friends will be there to help you open your eyes. And to help keep you on the track. Don’t turn your friends away when you’re hurting because they are here to help you. Most importantly don’t turn away from God when you’re hurting because he is the only one who can make you whole again. He is the only one who can put the pieces of your heart back together. When we’re hurt, we become somewhat vulnerable, and desperate to feel loved again. A lot of the times we try to fill those holes and gaps in our hearts with things that we think will make us better. Most of the times it’s not good stuff. Stop following your heart. It’s not about what your heart wants. It’s about what God wants. Start following what he wants. Because it’s definitely better for you, and better for your life. Don’t indulge in the desires of your heart if they’re not desires that God put in there. Cause they aren’t always the best thing for you. Goodness I jump around a lot. Haha. I’m sorry, I hope you’re still following me here. We don’t need to look and search for things to satisfy us. We have God. What’s better? What more do we need? When you’re feeling crushed, or brokenhearted run to God. Run to him. He’s right there. Pray and talk to him. Can’t put your feelings into words? Just cry. God knows what each and every single one of your tears is trying to say. And sometimes that’s the only way we can get things out. You’re not bothering God. God isn’t overwhelmed by our needs. Big or small. I’m going to leave you with one things today.
God doesn’t see them as giant needs; he sees them as giant opportunities.
I hope everyone is having a super great Friday! I hope you enjoyed this post. Love you guys.
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