Yay! New post! Guys, I am so excited for this, and I hope you all are too! So here we go! Let's dive right in.
So, Relationship status is the title of all this. You know how on Facebook you can change your "relationship status" ? The options are usually, Single, In A Relationship, It's Complicated, Engaged, and Married. Pretty obvious right? Not too hard to decide which one you would pick. They're self explanatory. But, what if there was a "Your Relationship With God." tab. What do you think the options would be for you to choose from, and how easy do you think it would be for you to pick one. You'd wonder and worry what other people might think about it. You might make it private so no one else can see. We all have relationships with other people in one way or another. Our relationships with our friends, and our family. Boyfriends or girlfriends. And someone we met maybe one or two times, but still talk to. If you really think deep and hard, you realize how many relationships you have in your life. Now, when it comes to relationships with our friends, we really favor them. We value those relationships so so much. Also with boyfriends and girlfriends. I can't really speak from experience, but those are relationships we tend to value a lot. And usually put so much of our time in effort into. We devote specific time to that person. We take time out of our day, and devote it to them. Whether we're talking to them, or hanging out with them. It's pretty easy (usually :P) to explain your relationship with a friend, or boyfriend/gf to someone else if they ask. But what if someone asked you about your relationship with God? What if I walked up to you and said "So how's our relationship with Jesus Christ going?" You'd be somewhat shocked, right? That's not a normal question that we all go around asking people. But really, what would you reply. What would you tell them, HONESTLY? Sometimes we forget about our relationship with God. It gets pushed behind all the other stuff we're faced with everyday. We need to value our relationship with God MORE than we value our other relationships. There is a difference between calling yourself a Christian, and having a real relationship with God.
- In our generation, it's so so so easy for us to get distracted. Everywhere we turn, there is something to distract us. Tv, Facebook, Twitter, other people, our phones, games, activities that we enjoy doing. Everything distracts us, and takes our mind off of God. I think people in this generation spend more time on Facebook then they do reading their Bibles.
- When we're in relationships with guys(or girls, if you're a guy.) We really want them to last. We go to extremes sometimes to keep that relationship together. Are you willing to go to extremes to keep your relationship with God together? Are you willing to go majorly out of your comforts zone, to glorify and please him, and help the relationship grow? Are we willing to give up ourselves, for God. And to have less of us, and more of him in our lives? That's a great big question that I really challenge you guys to chew on, and think about for a while. Sometimes, benefitting our relationship with God, means ending some relationships with other people. Crazy sounding, i know. You think, well God, you put this person in my life... why do you want me to get rid of them all of a sudden. I can say, that in my own life, I've had a relationship or two that, sometimes you just too caught up in them, and then God steps in and says "Hey! You're focusing too much on that other person, so I'm gonna take them away from you, until you learn to rely and lean and depend on me, not them." It's a.. somewhat hurtful thing, but God knows what he is doing. When we trust in him with those types of things, he doesn't let us down.
I'm gonna wrap this up here in a minute. But let me just end with this. Don't make this a private relationship. It's nothing to be ashamed of. God has chosen us to be his dwelling place. God is in us. Let other people see that. Let your relationship with him show in your actions, and your attitude towards other people. Let him be shown through you, don't hide him inside. Let him out :) And show the whole world.
- Roman 8:39 -
Welp, this wraps up part one of my little mini series :) I hope you guys enjoy this. And maybe I'll do a mini series again sometimes soon. Stay tuned for part 2! :)